The Internal Wardrobe | Love Yourself from the Inside Out Alison Maiden | Psychic Medium Growing up I'd heard of people who were able to communicate with those in the spirit world and see into the future. This intrigued me and led me to love watching supernatural movies like Sixth Sense. One of my favourite TV shows was Medium. It was based on the real-life experiences of medium Allison DuBois, who worked with law enforcement agencies across the USA to assist in criminal investigations. Little did I know I would have the opportunity to meet and become good friends with an extremely talented Psychic Medium also named Alison, just like the one on TV! Alison Maiden is one of Australia’s leading Psychic Mediums and Spiritual Healers and recently joined me on the Internal Wardrobe for a chat. As a Metaphysical Teacher Alison shows students how to uncover their psychic gifts. She is from a long line of psychics and mediums and credits her family for allowing her abilities to be nurtured and developed. Alison has been doing readings for over 35 years! Alison was born with the seven psychic senses active. According to Alison, most people have at least one of the psychic senses active from when they’re young. Most commonly Clairsentience, this is our felt sense. There are many psychic senses here is a list of eight described by Alison below… Clairsentience: Sensing feeling, this is our feeling centre and gives us our survival instincts, the sense of intuition or warning us when something doesn’t seem right, or an excited feeling when something wonderful is about to happen. Clairvoyancy: Clear seeing, the ability to see and have visions in the mind’s eye or third eye. When dreaming or being able to see colours when you close your eyes, you’re using your third eye. Clairempathy: Sensing emotion, this is where you can feel the emotions of other people around you. You’ll know you’re an empath if you walk into a room in a great mood and everyone else is in a bad mood and all of a sudden, you’re in a bad mood too. It’s good to remember it’s not yours, it’s theirs. Clairgustance: Sense of taste, this one is not very common. It’s when you can taste a flavour that people like to eat. For example, Alison once had a little boy come through from the spirit world and she could taste peanut butter and bananas, this happened to be his favourite food. Clairalience: Sense of smell, also jokingly known as clair-smelliance. Alison says everyday spirit are trying to send us messages. It can come in different ways, with Clairalience you may be able to smell scents that were related to the person, a certain perfume they always wore or cigarette smoke if they were a smoker. Claircognizance: Clear knowing, you can think about your day and know what’s going to happen. It allows you to look down different paths to see what the outcome is going to be. Clairtangency: This is a sense of touch, known as psychometry. You can receive messages through holding an object in your hands. You might be able to see, hear or feel situations about the owner. You might also feel tingles around your body or get goosebumps, this is spirit giving you confirmation they agree with you. Clairaudence: Clear hearing, this is being able to hear spirit talking to you. This can come as words or sentences being dropped into your mind, almost like an internal radio. Alison believes we’re all inherently wired to be psychic, it’s in our DNA. It’s just been shut down due to centuries of persecution, being burnt at the stake and called witches. It’s the fear that blocks off our psychic abilities. It’s through the healing of the past that reactivates your psychic gifts. Alison says the most amazing healing tool she’s ever found in her life is Reiki. It’s through giving healing to others we receive healing ourselves. Through the healing you remove the blocks to your intuition and psychic abilities open up. Reiki helps to lift the vibration around you. For example, if you’re in a negative state of mind and you start to feel like you’re being manipulated by others, you want to defend yourself and argue with those around you. You end up in a loop of low vibrations. With Reiki as soon as we recognise what’s going on quickly and we can give ourselves healing. We come to understand it’s not me who’s negative, it’s the situation I’m in or the people I’m around. In Reiki there are also special symbols that provide protection for you and your family and help you to maintain positivity in your life. Reiki gives us the ability to do something about the situation we’re in having a positive sense of power, controlling the energy in a positive way to achieve the best outcome. Alison says it’s important to find your vibe tribe, when you’re around people with the same positive vibration as you, you grow. You’ll know they’re your vibe tribe if when you’re with them feel like home, you get the sense you’re exactly where you belong. If you’re not feeling this go looking for it and be the positivity you want to see in the world. It all comes down to you, if you’re happy and in a good place, you’re spilling out love to other people and you’re able to cope with life so much better If everybody on the planet was compassionate loving and open, there would be no problems. What a wonderful world it would be… For more information visit: Watch the entire chat with Alison here: |