Donna Johnston | AstrologistAstrology has always been one of those things I was curious about but never really looked into it other than reading horoscopes, judging those who happen to be a Scorpio (My ex-husband’s star sign haha) and occasionally doing one of those star sign compatibility quizzes. It always seemed farfetched to think that the movement of the planets had anything to do with my life. Since having an astrology reading by Donna Johnstone from Rising Perception, I discovered there’s a lot more to astrology than just horoscopes and your star signs compatibility. For thousands of years humans have looked to the heavens to guide us. Ancient civilisations like the Egyptians and Mayans understood the stars and their relationship to the seasons and used them as a navigation tool and to predict the future. Donna says, “Astrology was the passion I’d been searching for. It’s helped me to understand myself and those around me. I now enjoy sharing this knowledge with others”. Donna’s journey into Astrology came after a cancer diagnosis. On Donna’s 41st birthday she was diagnosed with breast cancer. After going through treatment, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and didn’t recognise the person staring back at her. Over time, her hair grew back and she looked like herself but on the inside, she felt like a different person. Donna realised she had been putting her needs last and began to establish better boundaries. Instead of trying to do everything herself, Donna allowed others to step in and help. Family and friends rallied around and became her greatest support. Donna was feeling lost and began searching for something she could feel passionate about. Her naturopath suggested she look into Numerology (The study of relationships between numbers and living beings). Donna loves numbers and decided to do a course. She discovered her Life Path number was 27/9. These numbers mean Donna grows through crisis. What an incredible revelation! To work out your Life Path number simply add all your birthdate numbers together until you arrive at a single digit. For example, mine is: As much as Donna loved numerology, the numbers and their many meanings were not so easy to remember. It was suggested by the numerology teacher that Donna might enjoy astrology. Donna found that she really resonated with astrology and it complimented what she had learned in numerology. Donna shared that whilst it’s great to know your star sign at birth, its actually your rising sign that is the outward expression of your personality. For a lot of people this insight makes a lot of sense. I discovered that although I am a Leo fixed sign, my rising sign is Pisces, and I can appreciate the connection. I’ve always identified with Leo traits but combined with Pisces, it was like the puzzle pieces fit. To determine your rising sign, you need to know your exact time of birth. An astrologer such as Donna can help you with this or you can fill out an astrology calculator online to help you discover your rising sign. Donna suggests following your rising sign in the horoscopes. Astrology can provide information about what you’re currently going through and where you’re headed. One way to discover this is through a Profections Chart. This year, my annual profections show at age 37 I'm in my second house. This house related to money, possessions, income and assets. (According to my chart the planets are aligned in my favour, woo hoo!) Astrology is one of many paths to discovering more about yourself and your life.